About the Unit

                  To ensure the quality of education in the College of Science in various disciplines Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics in accordance with the labor market and in line with Vision 2030, the Training Unit seeks through field training to integrate academic studies with hospitals, companies and government sectors, and to train female students during the Summer Semester or any semester. The training body is chosen according to standards and controls commensurate with the outputs of the Collage of Science.


The Field Training Unit of the Science College sought to develop the abilities of its students and their qualifications in the professional and practical aspects to keep up with the labor market in society and promote it.


Achieving an ongoing and effective partnership with the government and private business sectors and qualifying and preparing female students trained professionally at a special level and high efficiency.


The trainee acquires scientific and practical competence by practicing actual training in the available institutions and providing female students with the knowledge, concepts, principles, experiences, and information needed to engage in the labor market.

Contact Us

Field Traning Unit 

Head of Training Unit
Eman Gharib Alhajri
Email: egalhagri@iau.edu.sa
Ext: 33075

Training Coordinator of Chemistry and Physics Department
External Relations and Training Workshops
Noura Awad Al-Rasheed
Email: csd.ta.chem@iau.edu.sa
Email: noalrasheed@iau.edu.sa
Ext: 37001

Coordinator of Biology/Mathematics
Wadha Musaad Qaid
Email: csd.ta.phys@iau.edu.sa
Email: wmgaeed@iau.edu.sa
Ext: 37510

Published on: 14 November 2022
Last update on: 14 November 2022
Page views: 353