Derived from the vision of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, the College of Science envisions to achieve leadership and excellence in basic and applied sciences. In light of this, the Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs launches towards its goal of achieving excellence in education within academic programs that are constantly evolving in an attempt to bridge the gap between outputs and the demands of the labor market.

The College of Science makes continuous efforts to seek excellence and an advanced ranking among colleges of science at other universities. The Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs plays a supporting role by raising the level of performance in all aspects, especially academically, and by providing a positive environment conducive to effective education and community services. Perhaps the majority of attention though, is placed upon the student, his scientific knowledge and how it ties into his future career. Hence, the vice deanship has worked on developing academic programs characterized by increasing student involvement and combining theory and practice for optimal intellectual stimulation. In effect, this would equip our graduates with the ability to link what they learned into future experiences and to use scientific resources to further their knowledge and to effectively employ new knowledge in career development.

The deanship applies an academic approach that is based on maintaining quality assurance and academic accreditation, improving teaching by applying modern methods that shift focus from inputs to outputs, and enhancing practice to enrich students' cognitive and scientific skills. The deanship also aims at providing special track academic programs in line with modern developments and the vision of 2030, whilst being appropriate for community needs and context.

We ask Allah rectitude and success.

Duties of the Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs:

  1.  Supervise the development of academic programs and assess educational outcomes.
  2. Supervise the implementation of rules and regulations pertinent to university-level courses and exams.
  3.  Supervise units affiliated with academic affairs.
  4. Supervise the planning of class schedules in academic departments in coordination with other colleges, and in collaboration with the Dean of Admissions and Registration and the class schedule committee. 
  5.  Supervise the distribution of students across the college departments in coordination with the departments.
  6.  Supervise final examination progression and examination committee formulations. This is done in coordination with academic departments and Head of Admissions and Registration.
  7. Supervise the implementation of admission and transfer regulations from and to the college, as well as between academic departments.
  8.  Head committees within Deanship and communicate reports to places of concern.
  9.  Supervise transfer course equivalency.
  10. Supervise leave and absence applications, as well as add and drop processes for university-level students in accordance with the set rules and regulations.
  11. Supervise graduation lists.
  12.  Supervise orientation week activities within the College.
  13.  Direct and guide students, and help solve academic performance problems in coordination with student guidance centers.
  14. Provide the Dean with progress reports of affiliated units in accordance with tasks and difficulties, in a periodic manner.
  15. Facilitate coordination among college departments in fields of relevance.
  16. Maintain website updates in regards to Vice Deanship and affiliated administrative units.
  17. Carry out tasks delegated by the Dean.

Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs units

  • Administrative Affairs of Science Departments.
  • Student Affairs:
  1. General Level
  2. Field Training units.
  •  Admissions and Registration:
  1. Admissions Unit
  2. Registration Unit.
  • Curriculum and Instructional Materials:
  1. The Unit of Academic Program Development
  2. The E-learning Unit.
  •  Schedules and Examinations:
  1. The Schedule Unit
  2. The Exams and Assessment Unit.
  • Guidance Division.
  • Student Services and Activities.

Contact Us

Directorate of Academic Departments Affairs

Tel: 0133337286

Students Affairs Section

General Level Unit

Tel: 0133337053

Field Training Unit

Tel: 0133337286

Admission & Registration Section

Admission Unit

Tel: 0133337457

Registration Unit


Curricula &  Educational Means Section

Academic Programs Development Unit

Tel: 0133337067

E-Learning Unit

Tel: 0133337092

Scheduling & Examinations Section

Scheduling Unit

Tel: 0133337277

Quality of Evaluation & Examinations Unit

Tel: 0133337180

Student Guidance Section

Tel: 0133337441

Student Services & Activities Section


Published on: 27 March 2018
Last update on: 19 April 2022
Page views: 3878