It is concerned with the complete supervision of female students at the General Level, administratively and academically, in coordination with the academic departments and the relevant authorities and considers them the main reference for them.


  • Organizing the welcome meeting for new students in the College of Science, which is based on introducing female students to the most important units of the Deputy for Academic Affairs and the role that each unit offers briefly in relation to the female student.
  • Launching an Evaluation Questionnaire for the welcome meeting, analyzing the results, and extracting a future improvement plan from purposeful and constructive observations.
  • Preparing female students at the General Level and educating them about the university environment through various means that enrich students academically.
  • The formation of a special committee for female students in the name of the Tawasul Committee, where two students from each division are nominated to link between the administration of the General Level Unit and the female students and monitoring all observations and submitting them to His Excellency the Deputy Academic Affairs Officer to take the necessary action.
  • Launching the Preparatory Year Evaluation Questionnaire and analyzing the results and submitting it to the concerned authorities at the University Deputy for Academic Affairs.

A Brief Overview of the Program

It is an academic meeting held annually within a series of meetings by the Academic Affairs Deputy, represented by the General Level Unit, which targets new students in the College of Science including transferred students internally and externally. It is called the Compass of Science.
The purpose of holding this meeting is to introduce the previously mentioned targeted group to the most important units of the Deputy for Academic Affairs and the tasks assigned to it, in order to achieve the student interest and to provide a helping hand during the academic journey in the College of Science. The meeting aims to clarify all that is directly related to the student during her studies at the College to get acquainted and familiar with it.
And to achieve the principle of teamwork, which is one of the values of the College of Science, and the concerted efforts, the relevant agencies that have the same goal have been involved, to participate in the meeting and offer their services for students during their studies at the College.

Contact Us

Jihan Khalid Al-Hamoudi
Head of the General Level Unit
Phone: 0133337173
Building: Science (5) - Ground floor - Office: GF6

Published on: 15 March 2018
Last update on: 18 October 2021
Page views: 345