The Statistical Models Unit is planning to participate efficiently in the national progress by creating favorable research aligned with the Vision 2030. Within this vision, the Statistical Models Unit aims to produce Artificial Intelligence and data science research (i.e., Machine learning and statistics), which are considered the main pillars of Industry 4.0.

One of the main roles of the Statistical Models Unit is to draw real value from the data in many fields related to initiatives of the National Transformation Program and data science applications can be used for predictions, to make better decisions. Combining data science with Artificial Intelligence will contribute to a variety of research areas tackled by the unit such as diagnosis of disease, digital services in smart cities (Neom), opinion mining, machine learning, and big data analysis.

The unit's objective is to enhance research quality by supporting researchers in different scientific areas through joint research projects (i.e., Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Medical applications…), in addition, to have high-level applied research partnerships in different fields with industries in order to expand private sector joint investments for future development.

The KSA 2030 initiative aims to provide citizens with the expertise to meet the future demands of the labor market. Thus, this unit is willing to provide university faculty members and researchers the essential knowledge and skills in data science through practical and personalized training. And to develop a sustainable research plan through a unique research program for students.

Published on: 26 August 2020
Last update on: 26 August 2020
Page views: 763