Lab: SF12-13
- Study the characteristic curve of the GM counter.
- Calculate the percentage gradient of the GM detector.
- Determine the dead time of the GM counter in order to correct the count.
- Determine the efficiency of a Geiger-Muller counter for various types of radiation.
- Treatment of statistical errors.
- Verify the random processes of the radiation decay by applying Gaussian distribution.
- Verify the inverse square relationship between the distance and intensity of radiation.
- Investigate the attenuation of radiation via the absorption of gamma rays by the absorber.
- Investigate the relation between absorber thickness and backscattering.
- Measure Gamma spectra of some standard radioactive sources.
- Characteristics of Geiger Muller Counter
- Geiger Tube Efficiency
- Statistics of Counting
- Inverse Square Law
- Absorption of Gamma Rays
- Backscattering of Gamma Rays
- Study of Gamma spectrum using NaI(Ti) Detector
Tools and devices
- High Voltage power supply
- Counter/timer
- GM Tube (Geiger detector)
- Radioactive Source (e.g., Cs-137, Sr-90, Co-60, Na-22).
- Stand
- Radioactive Source (e.g., Cs-137, Sr-90, Co-60, Na-22)
- Absorber materials set.
- MCA (Multi Channel Analyzer) box.
- Scintillation counter (NaI (Ti) crystal, photomultiplier tube and the base)
- PC with CASSY Lab software installed