The Services and Maintenance Unit follow up the cleaning, transportation, and furniture maintenance in all the college buildings and the restoration work that is carried out by the Projects Department in order to achieve the improvement and development of the college buildings and facilities.


Preserving the college buildings, facilities, and their aesthetic form by responding quickly to provide the best public services and periodic maintenance.


Supporting the provision of an appropriate and stimulating educational environment for study at the College of Science by maintaining the college buildings, facilities, and aesthetic appearance by providing public services and distinguished maintenance.


  1. Supervising the college buildings and following up on reports of malfunctions (carpentry - plumbing - electricity)
  2. Follow up on the furniture transfer process.
  3. Providing hygiene materials.
  4. Supervising female workers and distributing tasks among them.
  5. Follow up the work of building supervisors.
  6. Follow up the central air conditioning in all college buildings and raise the faults on it.
  7. Follow up on the need for the progress of exams.
  8. Participation in the organization of internal events.
  9. Follow up with the contractor in removing the remnants of the restoration and the cleanliness of the site.

Contact Us

Office Address: B-5

Floor: Grand Floor

Office: GF 3


Published on: 26 August 2021
Last update on: 26 August 2021
Page views: 980