To become compatible with the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision and due to the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University on achieving their set goals, the Ministry launched a promotion platform titled the (Masar).
And in regards to the Human Resources’ Executive Regulations (Second Chapter, Article 52) that states; choosing a candidate worthy of promotion should be according to his\her final Job Performance Evaluation as well as all or some of the criteria provided in the Article and based on the Ministry of Civil Service’s advocacy of IAU’s Promotion Criteria Ratio.
This page will provide users with IAU and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development’s Promotion Criteria Ratio for the tenth grade and below and the eleventh grade until the thirteenth grade.

Promotion Criteria Ratio for the Tenth Rank and below

  1. 40% Interview – 30% Job Performance Evaluation – 30% Exam
  2. Systemized weighted elements:
  • Personal Interview
  • Service Seniority
  • Job Performance Evaluation

Promotion Criteria Ratio for the Eleventh Rank until the Thirteenth Rank

  1. 40% Interview – 30% Job Performance Evaluation – 30% Initiatives and Achievements
  2. Systemized weighted elements:
  • Personal Interview.
  • Service Seniority.
  • Initiatives and achievements.

Masar Program Promotion Explanation Video

Published on: 10 September 2020
Last update on: 19 September 2022
Page views: 1526