
The Department of Mathematics offers an academically rigorous program where the students will master several areas of interest including the following: the ability to think logically, analyze, summarize, as well as hone their scientific research skills with an emphasis on mathematics. The Department offers both a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.


Prepare national competencies specialized in pure, applied and statistical mathematics and statistics to meet the developmental plans and the sustainability of a scientific research environment.


  • Prepare students to become professional mathematicians who are ready to work in either the fields of research, education or the applied sciences.
  • Continuously develop the Mathematics Department’s educational programs so that they are in line with scientific developments and the requirements of society.
  • Provide students with cognitive and analytical skills in order for them to succeed in their professional lives.
  • Promote new methods of teaching that have been proven to be effective, while incorporating the latest in technology.
  • Encourage research and publishing in renowned, peer-reviewed professional journals.
  • Create an atmosphere where scientific exchange and debate can occur with other mathematicians within the Kingdom and across the globe.
  • Facilitate the interaction between the Department of Mathematics with its students and the professional community by establishing a consultancy to serve the community.
  • Encourage participation in scientific conferences and seminars.

Contact us

Email: md.edu.jbl@iau.edu.sa

Published on: 24 June 2014
Last update on: 10 June 2024
Page views: 1454