About the Vice Deanship

In the name of Allah, and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him;
As part of the Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University quest towards local and global leadership in tertiary education and training, the vice deanship for training affairs works to organize training for students, according to the process of specialization in alignment with the regulations and rules of higher education.
The Vice Deanship aims to organize and coordinate the supervision of students training. Through courses during the academic stage and during the final year of internship, in coordination with hospitals and health authorities, companies and training centers.

The main tasks of the Vice Deanship of Training Affairs:

  • Organizing the distribution of students during various training periods in different training institutions.
  • Inviting different training sectors to cooperate with the college to train its students.
  • Open new doors for cooperation through the departments.
  • Finding alternative training centers from government training agencies.
  • Establish channels of continuous collaboration with scientific institutions and research centers to involve them in the process of training.
  • Follow up the training of students in different organizations in coordination with the scientific departments of the college.
  • Standardization of forms and schedules for training and internship.
  • Formulating training skills in coordination with the scientific units to be accessible for students and faculty members and trainers.
  • Issuance and approval of the internship certificates for graduate students.

Contact Us

Dr. Talal Mamdouh Al-Shammari
Vice-Dean for Training Affairs
E-mail: vdtraining.cams@iau.edu.sa
Extension: 31241

Published on: 16 November 2017
Last update on: 26 September 2022
Page views: 1576