About the Vice Deanship

The Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, plays a vital role in the development of scientific societies. The University of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal, represented by the University's vice Deanships of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, is in contact with the supporting deanships to organize its work to achieve the primary mission of the university through the different faculties of the university. Therefore, the VD for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is keen to encourage the scientific departments to develop high-quality programs for postgraduate studies that serve the university's scientific and research objectives, as well as providing academic services and support for postgraduate students. 
The VD for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research follow-up scientific research of faculty members and provide the appropriate environment through our contact with the Deanship of Scientific Research. Also, our faculty work to support the demonstrators and lecturers through contacting the VD for Scholarship at the Deanship of Graduate Studies, and extend the communication links between the scholar and their scientific departments and follow up their requests and needs during the scholarship period.

The main tasks of the Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research:

  • Encourage scientific departments to provide quality programs in postgraduate studies and follow-up the stages of submission of these programs.
  • Follow up all graduate students from the beginning of registration to graduation.
  • Follow-up scholarship students and communicate with them from the start of scholarship until the end.
  • Follow up faculty members and encourage them to adhere to the university plan to activate research and innovation in coordination with the VD supporting the Vice Rector of the university for graduate studies and scientific research and submit annual reports.
  • Follow up faculty publishing rewards.


  • Postgraduate Unit.
  • Scientific Research Unit.
  • Scholarship Unit.

Contact Us

Dr. Amer Ibrahim Alomar
Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research
E-mail: aiomar@iau.edu.sa
Mobile: +966535519911
Published on: 16 November 2017
Last update on: 24 October 2023
Page views: 851