The Vice President's Message

As part of the continuous pursuit by the College of Applied Medical Sciences to achieve academic excellence and leadership, the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs is dedicated to providing a distinguished educational environment that supports academic innovation and meets quality standards in education. This is achieved through the adoption of modern teaching methodologies that emphasize integrating theoretical knowledge with practical and clinical application.

The Vice Deanship also works to empower students with the skills and knowledge necessary to qualify them for the job market, thus contributing to community service and advancing the healthcare sector. The Vice Deanship's work is guided by the vision and mission of the college, which aligns with the university's vision to achieve sustainable excellence in applied health education.

At the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs, we strive to develop and update study plans, support faculty members, and enhance quality practices and academic accreditation to ensure a high level of educational performance.

We hope that visitors to the Vice Deanship’s website find all the information they need regarding the college's programs, guides, procedures, and related documents.

You can always contact the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs through the communication channels below.

Best regards,
Dr. Yousef D. Alqurashi
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs

The Vice Deanship's Units

Registration Unit operates under the supervision of the Vice Deanship of Academic Affairs and responsible for all aspects with respect to Student Information System [SIS], and in coordination with the Academic Advisors of the scientific departments within the college.

Unit Functions

  1. Review and update the course guides based on the approved the study plan by the authority’s council in the university for each academic program. That includes ,  previous and concurrent requirements of the courses.
  2. Scheduling timetables on the SIS system.
  3. Creating faculty SIS accounts and link them with assigned courses.
  4. Resolving student enrollment and course registration issues that are raised by the academic advisors of respected departments or cannot be resolved electronically by the student.
  5. Resolving student’s enrollment and courses registration issues for low performing students referred by the academic advisor.
  6. Complete the enrolment and courses(s) registration for transfer students and visting students, only based on an official referral from the accepted department.
  7. Ensure the completion of all student’s enrollment by following-up with academic advisor of individual department and report accordingly the lists of students enrolled in each program as assigned by the University's electronic records (SIS).   
  8. Prepare a database for students and faculty members to inform them of new regulations of the college and university.

Contact Us

Dr. Yousef D. Alqurashi
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs

Mr. Hassan S. Alkhaloof
Secertery of Vice Dean of Academic Affairs


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Published on: 16 November 2017
Last update on: 04 November 2024
Page views: 1196