The Vice Deanship for Clinical Affairs performs an imperative role in managing, following up, and continuously developing clinical training outcomes for all academic programs at the college through the general supervision of undergraduate students during their enrollment in clinical training courses, as well as during their internship year at affiliated hospitals.


  1. Performing general supervision of clinical training affairs for undergraduate students and interns.  
  2. Cooperating with hospitals to provide a high-quality clinical training environment. 
  3. Qualifying students with the required clinical skills and professional competencies. 
  4.  Developing clinical training affairs and internships to raise students’ professional competence.


  • Clinical Training Unit
    This unit is concerned with organizing clinical training for clinical courses for undergraduate students according to a time-based training plan and following up on the progress of clinical training and students’ performance in hospitals to ensure that students acquire the required clinical skills and competencies.
  • Internship Unit
    This unit is in charge of organizing the conduct of internship programs at the college level in local and internationally recognized hospitals from the public and private sectors under the supervision of qualified medical personnel to ensure that the requirements for internships are met and to raise the level of professional competence of college graduates.
Published on: 14 April 2021
Last update on: 24 January 2024
Page views: 710