UCC Units Per Colleges and Deanships:

  • Deanship of Preparatory Year – Engineering Cluster
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Architecture and Planning
  • College of Applied Studies and Community Service
  • College of Business Administration
  • Deanship of Preparatory Year - Health Cluster.
  • College of Medicine.
  • College of Clinical Pharmacy.
  • College of Applied Medical Sciences.
  • College of Nursing.
  • College of Public Health.
  • Deanship of Preparatory Year – Science Cluster.
  • College of Dentistry.
  • College of Computer Science and Information Technology.
  • College of Education.
  • College of Sharia and Law.
  • Applied College.

UCC Units in Female Colleges:

Rakah District:

  • Deanship of Preparatory Year - Engineering Cluster.
  • College of Business Administration.
  • College of Biomedical Engineering.
  • College of Clinical Pharmacy.
  • College of Designs.
  • College of Applied Studies and Community Service.
  • Deanship of Preparatory Year - Health Cluster.
  • College of Education in Jubail.
  • College of Medicine.
  • College of Applied Medical Sciences.
  • College of Dentistry.
  • College of Public Health.
  • Applied College.

AR-Rayyan District:

  • College of Education.
  • College of Arts.
  • College of Science.
  • Applied College.
  • College of Science and Humanities- Jubail.
  • College of Applied Medical Sciences- Jubail.


Published on: 11 August 2015
Last update on: 19 November 2022
Page views: 1266