
  • Review all research proposals involving use of animals and recommend actions to the RIRB 
  • Oversee periodic inspections of the animal facilities 
  • Perform annual reviews and recommend any needed modifications to the RIRB of all policies, rules, regulations, guidelines and procedures related to the care and use of animals 
  • Investigate any and all legitimate complaints related to the care and use animals in research at IAU
  • Oversee semi-annual reviews of approved projects to: assure investigator compliance with all policies and regulations related to use of animals; and, to make all findings and recommendations for action to the RIRB 

The Main Committee for Animal Care and & Use

The Main Committee for Animal Care and & Use has been established as per the President's administrative decision No. 43216 dated: 5/6/1436H .

Committee Members 

Dr. Naif Almasoud


Dean, Scientific Research 
Prof. Abduqader Homeida 
Member  Science College 
Dr. Badryah Al-Swaigh 


Science College 
Dr. Nora Al-Jaloud 


Science College 

Dr. Ayman Al-Arfaj 


Saudi Aramco

Veterinarian. Hussain Al-Hawaj 



Published on: 10 April 2015
Last update on: 11 September 2018
Page views: 1265