In light of the vision of the College of Science and Humanities in Jubail, derived from the vision of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University to achieve the quality and effectiveness of academic programs according to the best standards; by working to support the academic aspects of female students, the Deanship of Academic Affairs sets out towards its goal of excellence in education within academic programs that are constantly evolving to bridge the gap between their outputs and the requirements of the labor market.
Given the College of Science and Humanities in Jubail's constant pursuit of excellence and occupying an advanced position among the colleges in similar universities, the Deanship of Academic Affairs works to achieve this goal by raising the level of performance in all aspects, especially academic ones, and providing appropriate environments to provide distinguished and effective education and high-quality community services. Perhaps most of its interest is focused on the student and his scientific formation and linking it to his professional future. Therefore, The Deanship has worked to build academic programs characterized by activating the role of the student and stimulating his intellectual potential by combining the theoretical and practical aspects, which qualifies the graduate to be able to link what he has learned to his future experiences, and to use all educational resources to obtain knowledge and employ it effectively in developing his professional specializations.
The Deanship works with an academic approach based on maintaining quality standards and academic accreditation, improving teaching by applying modern methods that shift from focusing on inputs to focusing on outputs and enhancing practical aspects to enrich the student's cognitive and scientific skills. While ensuring the provision of academic programs with specialized tracks that keep pace with modern developments and meet Vision 2030 and are appropriate to the needs and controls of society.
Tasks of the college Deanship of academic affairs:
- Supervising the development of academic programs and checking the outputs of Education
- Supervising the implementation of the regulations and executive rules of the regulation of studies and exams for the university stage
- .Supervising the units affiliated to academic affairs.
- Supervising the preparation of study schedules for students in academic departments and coordinating with other colleges in cooperation with the Deanship of admission and registration and the study schedules committee
- Supervising the distribution of students to the various departments of the College in coordination with the departments.
- . Supervising the progress of the final exams and forming their committees, in coordination with the academic departments, and the Deanship of admission and registration.
- Supervising the application of admission and transfer controls to and from the college and between academic departments.
- leading the Deanship committees and submit their reports to the concerned authorities.
- Supervision of the course equivalence process
- Supervising the requests for postponement and apology of studies, as well as the dropping and adding of university stage students in accordance with the regulations and decisions issued in this regard.
- Supervising the preparation of lists of graduates.
- Supervising the activities of the college's introductory week.
- Guiding and advising students and solving issues related to academic achievement and coordination with the University Counseling Center
- Provide periodic reports to the dean of the College on the progress of the work of his subordinate units in accordance with the tasks assigned to him and the difficulties they face .
- Coordination with the college units in related fields.
- Follow-up updating the college's website regarding its agency and its administrative units.
- implementing the work assigned to him by the Dean of the College
Deanship of Academic Affairs Units:
Academic Supervision Unit
This unit is responsible for welcoming and guiding new students, introducing them to the college and its various departments, and preparing them for study and university life. It also provides guidance to college students academically, psychologically, socially, and professionally, and provides them with advice, and cares for stumbling students and those about to stumble, as well as outstanding and talented students.
- Preparing new students to adapt and acclimatize to university life.
- Creating the appropriate conditions for achieving healthy growth for university students.
- Providing students with accurate information about the college, regulations and rules, resources and academic programs.
- Enhancing students’ academic achievement, raising their capabilities, and overcoming the obstacles they face during their years of study.
- Reducing the chances of academic stumble (preventive guidance).
- Providing advice and assistance to college students with academic problems. Caring for and taking care of students who are at risk of failure.
- Sponsoring outstanding and talented students and providing what would enhance their capabilities and support their creativity.
- Providing care and assistance to students socially, financially, health-wise, psychologically and professionally in coordination with the relevant authorities in the college/university.
- Making an implementation plan for academic supervision.
- Assigning coordinators for academic supervision at the college level for each academic department.
- Supervising the distribution of students to academic advisors.
- Encouraging academic supervisors to give by activating the "distinguished supervisor" initiative.
- Educating students about the objectives of the Academic Supervision Unit and how to benefit from its services through meetings and bulletins.
- Receiving the registration problems faced by the students and providing immediate solutions through cooperation with the academic supervision coordinators in the academic departments.
- Studying the special cases of students such as those who received an academic warning and the academically underachieved students and searching for the best solutions to take their hands and avoid theirunderachievement in the future and transferring them to the Academic Advising and Counseling Unit.
- Following up on questionnaires and surveys on academic supervision through the student support system, which contributes to its development in the future.
- Preparing and developing forms and models for academic supervision.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
E-learning Unit
The E-Learning Unit seeks to achieve the college’s strategic goal through the “Electronic Initiative” which aims to convert courses into fully electronic content in cooperation with the Deanship of E-Learning.
- Enabling all teaching staff members to use e-learning and distance learning tools and systems.
- Providing the necessary support to teaching staff members and solving all problems related to e-learning and distance learning systems.
- Converting academic courses into electronic courses.
- Applying the training plans approved by the Deanship of E-Learning at the university.
- Spreading the culture of e-learning in the college.
- Holding training programs for faculty members on the use of modern technologies inside classrooms.
- Making development plans for the e-learning unit in the college.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
- Holding and organizing training programs for faculty members and the auxiliary staff in the college with the aim of training on the use of the Blackboard e-learning management system.
- Assisting college faculty members in producing and converting their courses into electronic courses, in accordance with the quality standards.
- Spreading the culture of distant e-training among faculty members, the auxiliary staff, and college students.
- Raising the efficiency of students in using the e-learning management system, to develop their self-learning ability, and synchronous and asynchronous technical communication skills with faculty members.
- Providing support services in the educational process such as virtual classes and electronic tests, evaluating students through groupwork and electronic discussion boards, and other services.
- Supporting research and studies in the fields of e-learning and distant education.
- Cooperating with organizations, entities and authorities related to the fields of e-learning internally and externally.
- Coordinating with the Deanship of E-Learning at the university in relation to solving the problems of faculty members, the auxiliary staff and students' problems in relation to the use of the e-learning management system
Schedules Unit
The Schedules Unit is considered one of the important units in the Deanship of Academic Affairs at the college, as it performs tasks directly related to the progress of academic work in the college.
The work in this unit continues throughout the academic year, as it generally prepares the study schedules for all departments in the college in coordination with the schedulers in the departments.
The success of the schedule coordination process contributes and participates in the success of the educational process and thus in the regularity of study.
Excellence in performing the tasks assigned to the Academic Schedules Unit, ensuring the regularity of the educational process and improving its quality.
The unit seeks to contribute to the regularity of the educational process by carrying out the tasks and activities assigned to it by the college administration, which contributes to providing an educational environment with a clear vision that enjoys the application of quality standards.
- Preparing schedules for the course classes, including lecture dates, the capacity of the class, the location of the classroom, and the faculty member's name, in cooperation with the scheduling committees in the academic departments.
- Providing room reservation service at different times for members.
- Supervising the creation of general course schedules and communicating with the colleges that offer these courses.
- Creating final test schedules and year agendas.
- Counting the percentage of occupancy in the halls and visuals and the extent of need in the college.
Student Services and Activities Unit
The Student Activities Unit aims, through student clubs, to instill religious, moral, national and social values in the souls of students and to work on building and developing the personality of students through their participation in student activities. Many student activities fall within the unit.
Providing pioneering student activities and actively engaging students to provide them with distinguished skills capable of participating in international and local forums.
- Strengthening the value of belonging to the university and loyalty to the homeland.
- Developing the spirit of affection and bonds of brotherhood and friendship based on Islamic values among university students.
- Providing the opportunity for university students to participate in activities that suit their inclinations, abilities, readiness, talents and specializations.
- Participating in various events internally and externally, which enhances and develops the exchange of experiences.
- Supervising and participating in the making of the annual plan for student activities
- Making the quarterly and annual work plan for the student activities programs and their proposed budget in cooperation with the supervisor of each club to present it to the dean of the college.
- Following up the implementation of plans, programs, and curricular and extracurricular student activities provided to students. Following up on the testimonies of the participants in the student activities.
- Disbursement of the budget for the activity in accordance with the instructions regulating it.
- Contributing to the introduction of the college to the local community by organizing various activities and events.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
- Creating the appropriate environment for the implementation of student activities by providing special offices for scientific clubs, in addition to a public place for the implementation of various events (college hall) and determining an appropriate space for each scientific club.
- Coordination between the relevant authorities to facilitate the implementation of the events.
- Supporting the implementation of various student activities such as: visits - festivals - lectures - seminars - courses - workshops - opening clubs.
- Documenting events and following up their submission on the university website.
- Supervising approvals, authorizations, and permits for student activities.
- Supervising the presentation of courses and workshops provided to students aimed at developing the students' various talents in cooperation with academic clubs and departments.
- Following up and revising the advances and budget of student activities with the Accounting Unit for Activities.
- Supervising the custody of activities and the custody of student clubs and coordinating event reservations with the Custody Unit.
- Communicating with entities, institutions and social centers to cooperate in order to support the plans' process for student activities and implementing them after obtaining the approval from the vice dean.
- Supervising the inventory of the names of participants in student activities.
- Contributing to the innovation of various methods to develop student activities and help students adapt to them by conducting exploratory studies on activities that interest the student.
- Supervising the Student Council.
Academic Programs and Plans Development
The Academic Program Development Unit is a unit concerned with following up on the creation and development of academic programs.
- Planning for the college to update or establish academic programs for the academic year.
- Reviewing proposals received from departments and giving recommendations.
- A link between the College and the Study Programs and Plans Development Unit in everything related to the development of the study program.
- Continuous study of the labor market's needs for new outputs and then developing new academic programs in line with recent changes as well as the guide to creating new programs.
- Holding workshops for members of the Curricula and Study Plans Committee and those interested in developing their skills in this aspect.
- Following up the progress of the time plan for the development of study programs with the academic departments of the college.
- Following up the study plan with the academic departments.
- Periodic and quarterly follow-up with academic departments regarding updating and developing courses with content and references.
- Periodic and quarterly follow-up with academic departments regarding courses reports and the continuous development plan.
- Monitoring and supporting the implementation of the recommendations related to the college, as outlined in the academic programs restructuring report approved by the University Council.
- Studying proposals for interprograms, double majors, and minor programs of the college.
- Ensuring that the requirements for preparing the study program documents are met before submitting them to the Study Plans and Systems Standing Committee.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
Admission and Registration Unit
Defining the Admission and Registration Unit
It is concerned with serving students during the registration of their academic courses, solving their problems related to that, and following up on requests for apology, postponement, re-enrollment, change of specialization, and withdrawal from the course.
Services provided by the Admissions and Registration Unit:
- Following up on registration requests through the student records system.
- Registering students on warning, visiting and transfers.
- Communicate with the College of Arts and Science track and submit requests to registering students in some of their courses.
- Registering students who are failing in all departments and the general level.
- Following up on requests to withdraw from courses.
- Following up on excuses for absence and respond to them with rejection or acceptance.
- Study the cases of some female students (additional opportunity - re-enrollment ...)
- Reviewing the lists of graduates and verify their accuracy and list any amendments, if any.
- Include and review the schedule of academic courses for the semesters and the summer semester.
- Studying the transfer requests from and to the college submitted by the students on the electronic portal and ensuring that the transfer conditions apply.
- Conducting the equivalence of courses for the internal and external transfer students.
- Performing equations between academic departments' plans
- Listing the submitted visit requests from inside and outside the university, studying them and implementing them according to the conditions.
- Fully supervising the registration of students for their courses and identifying the technical problems facing them and addressing them urgently.
- Studying registration applications on an ongoing basis and submitting a daily report to the vice dean to take the necessary action and ensure the registration process for students.
- Entering study schedules on the university website and reviewing them thoroughly.
- Following up the social media account via Twitter to broadcast appropriate directions and recommendations for registering courses and the best ways to avoid conflicts between courses and help the student build his academic schedule accurately and consciously.
- Following up the e-mail as a direct and quick link between the students and the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs to enumerate the registration applications and their accompanying problems and obstacles.
- Creating a database for internal transfer and another for external transfer.
Field Training Unit
It is the link between the student, the academic department and the training institution. It plays a fundamental role in the process of scheduling the training schedule and selecting the training institutions that suit each department in the college.
Qualifying students to compete in the local labor market by forming effective partnerships with public and private sector institutions related to the college’s programs.
- Preparing an introductory booklet on field training, its mechanism, controls and conditions, to be distributed to students. it is to be updated with new systems periodically.
- Holding workshops in cooperation with other entities aimed at introducing the student to field training, its objectives and controls. The workshops are presented to the students expected to go out for field training in each semester.
- Developing a plan to qualify and educate students expected to go out for field training, ensuring the development of their skills and performance in the labor market (holding workshops and introductory lectures)
- Organizing the registration procedures for the training.
- Organizing training follow-up.
- Supervising the trainee during the training period in coordination with the academic departments.
- Receiving requests for cooperative training from entities outside the college, writing forms and organizing registration procedures.
- Distributing the cooperating trainees to the departments/units related to their major and following up their performance.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
- Communicating with the employers available to the students of the programs of the College of Science and forming a database that is continuously updated.
- Preparing lists of the names of the students enrolled in the field training and the training entities and sending them to the academic departments to identify the faculty member to supervise each student.
- Following up the signature of the students enrolled in the training on the document that clarifies the mechanism and conditions of the training.
- Communicating with the training entities and sending them follow-up reports for the trainees.
- Receiving the reports of each trainee at the end of the training period and sending them to the academic departments to take necessary action.
- Communicating with the training entities through official letters and obtaining approvals and fulfilling all training conditions.
- Coordinating with academic departments to know the training needs of students or training programs to be implemented.
- Measuring the quality of the outputs of educational programs through field training.
- Appointing an internal supervisor for each trainee and receiving reports from her at the end of the training phase and handing them over to the trainee's training entity.
Evaluation and Examinations Quality Unit
The Evaluation and Examinations Quality Unit at the College of Science and Humanities in Jubail seeks to implement the policies of the Evaluation and Examinations Quality Center, which was established as one of the executive projects of the first axis of the strategic plan of the University Deanship of Academic Affairs "High-quality academic programs", and to achieve one of the sub-goals of the first main goal "Improving the quality of existing academic programs", which is improving practices related to evaluation and examination. The Evaluation and Examinations Quality Center at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University aims to adopt advanced systems and mechanisms for student evaluation and examining in a way that achieves quality standards and academic accreditation based on justice, objectivity and responsibility.
- Cooperating with the Quality Center for Evaluation and Examinations of the University Deanship of Academic Affairs.
- Supervising the work of the Quality Committee for Evaluation and Examinations in each academic program in the college.
- Ensuring the quality of the student evaluation and examination process in the college.
- Following up on the implementation of the evaluation and examinations policies at the university in all college programs.
- General supervision of building question banks for courses in the college.
- Coordinating with the Quality Center for Evaluation and Examination and the specialized training bodies at the university to train teaching staff members on how to prepare and implement student evaluation tasks and activities.
- Preparing technical reports on exams and other evaluation tasks in the college and clarifying strengths, weaknesses and outstanding practices and submitting them to the center.
- Other tasks and assignments, as determined by the Quality Center for Evaluation and Examinations at the university.
Examinations Procedure Office
It is concerned with organizing the procedures for the final theoretical exams.
- Identifying the actual training needs of faculty members on which the effectiveness of assessments depends.
- Full collaboration with the University’s Quality of Assessment and Examinations Center, attending meetings, and submitting reports and studies.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
- Providing adequate training for faculty members through lectures and workshops to enable them to measure and evaluate the performance of students in accordance with the requirements of the Education & Training Evaluation Commission - Higher Education Sector.
- Supervising vocabulary banks and developing a mechanism to benefit from statistical analysis of test vocabulary.
- Ensuring that faculty members use matrices and corresponding means such as verbal estimation ladders.
- Providing technical reports on tests and clarifying strengths, weaknesses, and distinctive practices.
- Developing mechanisms and plans to measure the effectiveness of the systems used in evaluating students and tests.
- Achieving accuracy, transparency, and justice in the work of evaluation, tests, and statistics.
- Unifying test standards and specifications for students of different majors.
- Quantitative analysis of objective tests for all departments in the college.
- Qualitative analysis of the test paper for all courses at the level of the college departments.
- Creating a database with the names of the courses that use autocorrection.
- Establishing question banks in different majors for approved questions.
- Providing educational and technical consultations to the faculty members when preparing test forms and analyzing the tests.
Graduates Unit
A unit concerned with serving graduating students, completing their procedures, and delivering their graduation documents.
- Revising the lists of expected graduates by referring to the follow-up report and academic records
- Listing the names of students that were not included in the Deanship's lists and submitting them to the Department of Graduates in the Deanship
- Announcing the lists of students expected to graduate and ensuring that the number is complete.
- Revising the lists of those expected to go out for practical training by referring to the follow-up report and academic records.
- Announcing the lists of those expected to go out for practical training for students and ensuring that the number is complete.
- Uploading the lists of those expected to go out for practical education to the field training office.
- Uploading the lists of those expected to go out for practical education electronically to the field training office.
- Delivering graduation documents and completing the clearance procedures for graduates from the system.
- Submitting additional service requests' forms to the Beneficiary Service Department of the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
Measurement of Learning Outcomes Unit
Extension Services Unit
It is a unit that is concerned with following up on the academic status of students to help them adapt to university life and provide them with academic support to build a successful and sound academic experience at the college. It also provides support and guidance to students at the college and works to develop their academic, social, psychological and professional skills. The unit works in coordination with the University Counseling Center
To provide the university community with a comprehensive, high-level service to develop capabilities and develop permanent learning skills with high-quality efficiency that achieves excellence locally, regionally and globally.
The University Counseling Center seeks to provide high-level mental health services that support students’ academic, developmental, psychological, personal, and social interests. To achieve this, the Counseling Center provides individual counseling, group counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, emergency and crisis intervention services, awareness programs, psychological assessment, and psychological consultations. The team is constantly updated on the latest counseling practices and research findings in the field of counseling, and they provide research that contributes to improving the university environment.
Healthy organizational environment, diversity, privacy, striving for excellence, collaboration
- Supervising the psychological counseling services provided to students.
- Following up the enumeration of the cases of students provided with counseling services.
- Following up the preparation of guidance plans for academically underachieved students.
- Following up the guidance of the academically underachieved students, and students in risk of underachievement.
- Following up on the cases of students transferred from the departments and academic affairs to the Extension Services Office.
- Following up the preparation and implementation of training workshops and uploading them to the student support system.
- Making development plans for the Extension Services Unit
- Supervising and participating in the preparation of the activities of the Extension Services Unit and making plans for their development.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
Teaching and Learning Unit
- Limiting teaching strategies and evaluation mechanisms for academic departments at the beginning of each semester.
- Organizing and implementing training courses for faculty members on teaching strategies
- Following up the application of teaching strategies.
- Revising assessment methods and ensuring they are aligned with targeted learning outcomes
- Preparing guides for modern teaching strategies in higher education
- Following up the preparation of teaching strategies guides for departments.
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
- Measuring student satisfaction with teaching strategies and coming up with recommendations to eliminate the difficulties facing students during the activation of strategies in the academic programs of the college.
- Measuring faculty satisfaction with the use of teaching strategies in courses.
Occupational and Standardized Testing Unit
- Determining local or international tests for all college programs
- Aligning program outputs with the updated standards for higher education outputs periodically
- Aligning the outputs of the programs with the professional certificates approved locally and internationally, if any
- Making an implementation plan for the professional and standard graduation tests in the academic programs of the college
- Following up on the application of standardized tests at the department level
- Preparing forms and reports and documenting evidence according to the plan announced by the unit
- Contributing to raising awareness of professional tests among faculty members and students
- Searching for partnerships/agreements with the competent authorities for professional examinations (international/national)
- Preparing a quarterly report on the works of the unit.
Student Services Unit
- Following up on medical excuses for lectures, studying the cases and giving approvals.
- Responding to students' inquiries regarding student services.
Standardized Testing Unit
Based on Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University’s endeavor to achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s ambitious Vision 2030 in raising the level of higher education outcomes and improving the quality of graduates’ characteristics in order to compete in the labor market and increase employment opportunities, the university has adopted the standardized graduation test as one of the tools for verifying students’ achievement of the program learning outcomes. Academy, and their acquisition of the most important knowledge and skills in the field of their profession and academic specialization, in a way that supports academic and international accreditation processes.
Objectives of the standardized graduation test:
- Direct measurement of the extent to which students about to graduate achieve the academic program learning outcomes.
- Support and prepare students expected to graduate to pass professional exams in the future
- Raising the level of university graduates to achieve competitiveness in accordance with the requirements of the labor market
- Motivating colleges and academic programs to cooperate with specialized professional bodies and accreditation bodies in the Kingdom
Target group: The student expected to graduate in the penultimate semester of graduation
Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs Structure
Deanship of Academic Affairs Office
Dr. Abeer Saleh Abdulla Almkand
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Telephone: 0133338677
Amina Issa Al-Ansari
Secretary to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Telephone: 0133338717
E-mail: aad.edu.jbl@iau.edu.sa
Admission and Registration Unit
Haya Ibrahim Al-Youssef
College Registrar
Telephone: 0133338746
Moudi Mansour Al Sharif
Admissions Department
Telephone: 0133338744
Amna Ahmed Al-Bouainain
Registration Department
Telephonee: 0133338736
Academic Program Development Unit
Dr. Thowiba Alawadh Haj Ali Ahmed
Manager of Academic Program Development Unit
Telephone: 0133338687
Amina Issa Al-Ansari
Secretary of Academic Program Development Unit
Telephone: 0133338717
E-mail: CEDFJ.SDU@iau.edu.sa
Academic Supervision Unit
Shaikha Abdulaziz Bobshait
Manager of Academic Supervision Unit
Telephone: 0133338797
Graduates Unit
Seeham Shabib Al-Buainain
Telephone: 0133338737
E-Mail : CEDFJ.ALUMINI@iau.edu.sa
Student Services and Activities Unit
Dr. Najla Hamza Alhawsawi
Student Services and Activities Unit Manager
Telephone: 0133338588
Amna Ahmed Al-Bouainain
Unit Secretary
Telephone: 0133338736
Mariam Abdullah Al Khater
Telephone: 0133338748
Fatima Mashal Al Juffali
Telephone: 0133338750
Almaha Faraj Al-Subaie
E-mail : CEDFJ.SDU@iau.edu.sa
E-Learning Unit
Asma Abdulkareem Alshammari
E-Learning Unit Manager
Telephone: 0133338689
Amna Ahmed Al- Buainain
Unit Secretary
Telephone: 0133338736
E-Mail : CEDFJ.EU@iau.edu.sa
Evaluation and Examinations Quality Unit
Sameera Muhammad Albalhareth
Evaluation and Examinations Quality Unit Manager
Telephone: 0133338665
Shorouk Suleiman Al-Nushan
Unit Secretary
Telephone: 0133338719
E-mail : CEDFJ.ECC@iau.edu.sa
Measurement of Learning Outcomes Unit
Dr. Najla Alsayed Alzahar
Measurement of Learning Outcomes Unit Manager
Telephone: 0133338551
E-mail: nealzahar@iau.edu.sa
Schedules Unit
Haya Ibrahim Al-Youssef
Telephone : 0133338746
Extension Services Unit
Abeer Obaid Alshlowi
Extension Services Unit Manager
Telephone: 0133338731
Wafa Ibrahim Alraqtani
Unit Secretary
Telephone: 0133338686
Maha kaeed Al- Otaibi
Telephone: 0133338727
Social worker
Jawaher kaeed Al- Otaibi
Telephone : 0133338620
Unit Manager Assistant
E-mail: CEDFJ.GAC@iau.edu.sa
Field Training Unit
Dr.Amani Sulaiman Albawardi
Field Training Unit Manager
Telephone: 0133338568
Al-Jawhara Rashid Al-Qahtani
Telephone: 0133338759
Hessa Nidaa Al-Mutairi
Telephone: 0133338576
Unit Secretary
E-mail: pt.edu.jbl@iau.edu.sa