- Spread the culture of quality throughout all College levels.
- Supervise performance appraisal in the College.
- Supervise the implementation of academic evaluations and the accreditation program.
- Determine training requirements for the faculty and college personnel and coordinate with respective bodies in the University to provide such requirements.
- Encourage faculty and personnel to attend workshops and training courses.
- Supervise the preparation of the College's annual report and distribute it.
- Follow up facilities and hall development as well as laboratory renovations.
- Establish a clerical organization and specify the functions and responsibilities of the personnel.
- Implement an awards program for creativity and distinction in the areas of academics, research, and functional performance in the College.
- Prepare a suitable periodical review of plans with respect to approved quality calibers in order to assure continuous improvement in academic sections and respective administrative units.
- Implement and follow up the faculty's teaching performances and help them attain professional and scientific distinction.