The main objective of the Vice Deanship for Health Track is to counsel and guide students according to the academic plan to obtain the highest grades and pass the preparatory year. It also helps the students overcome difficulties that they might face.
The Vice Dean for Health Track
Academic supervision is a professional service that aims at identifying problems hindering students' abilities from achieving academic excellence and interacting with the university life demands. Students are offered counseling and support by raising the awareness of students regarding their academic responsibilities.
The responsibilities of the Vice Deanship for Health Track
- supervising the implementation of laws and regulation regarding examinations
- supervising the preparation of schedules for the students at the Health Track and liaising with other departments, colleges and the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
- supervising final examinations for Health Track.
- upervising the transfer courses for students moving within the university colleges or from other universities
- supervising the extracurricular activities, field visit and exhibitions
- supervising the students wishing to drop, add or defer enrolment according to the rules and regulations
- supervising the preparation of lists of failing, passing and denied students
- supervising the events of the orientation week presented by the Deanship of the PreparatoryYear and presenting brochures, pamphlets, booklets regarding the students' schedules and courses.
- supervising the counseling of students and solving their problems that relate to their academic performance and communicating with the University Counseling Center in case a student needs any further social or psychological guidance
- providing the Dean with periodic reports regarding workflow at the Health track
- updating the website of the PreparatoryYear pertaining to the Health Track
- addressing the assigned departments in the university to maintain the workflow at the Vice Deanship for Health Track.
- Issuing internal decisions that does not create privileges
- Suggesting methods and means that contribute in developing the Health track.
The Health Track is designed for students who wish to enroll in the following colleges:
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Nursing
- Applied Medical Sciences
- Clinical Pharmacy