The Deanship of Academic Development provides faculty members, TA’s and lecturers with training professional development programs in teaching and learning, as well as support services and resources for self-learning.

Short Programs

2-3 hour training programs (represented by the green horizontal line) that are designed to provide continuous professional development opportunities, focusing on best practices in teaching and learning and the latest trends in university teaching. Participant receives a certificate of attendance.

Highlighted short programs:

  • First Week Training Program.
  • In-Colleges training programs.
  • Short training in assessment and evaluation
  • Educational Café.
  • Deanship’s Forum.
  • Webinar programs.
  • The keynote speaker.
  • The Closing Lecture.

Intensive Programs

The intensive training programs are characterized by depth and concentration (represented by the vertical line). The goal is to provide intensive training in one of the essential needs of the university professor. Participant receives a certificate of completion of the program.

Duration of intensive programs varies according to the nature and subject of the program, including two days (seven hours of training per day), 4 days (7 hours per day), and two full semesters (i.e., Faculty Mentorship Certification Program).

Highlighted Intensive programs:

  • Core Competencies Program in Teaching and Learning.
  • Faculty Mentorship Certification Program.
  • International workshops and international experts.
  • Preparing TA's and Lecturers.
  • Academic Development abroad.

Support Material and Resources

Represented by the golden lines. Additional services are available to faculty members, TA’s and lecturers to support self-learning and self professional development efforts. Through these services, the Deanship aims to diversify sources of learning, simplify knowledge and make it accessible to all.

Highlighted services:

  • Resources in teaching and learning
  • Training material on BlackBoard
  • Educational posters
  • Teaching and Learning Handbook
  • Counseling and Support Services.

Published on: 22 April 2018
Last update on: 08 March 2023
Page views: 2109