The Third & Final Group of Female Candidates for Admission to UoD has Been Announced! The Third and Final group of female candidates for admission to UoD for the 2015 - 2016 CE/1436-1437 AH academic year has been released.
The Second Group of Female Candidates for Admission to UoD has Been Announced! The second group of female candidates for admission to U0D for the 2015 - 2016 CE/1436-1437 AH academic year has been released.
UoD Achieves Institutional Quality Standards The University of Dammam gained full and unconditional Institutional Academic Accreditation from the NCAAA after the University completed all requi
Admissions Schedule for E-Learning and Distance Learning The admissions schedule for students interested in applying to UoD's E-Learning and Distance Learning Program for the 2015-2016 CE/1436 Date 02 to 09 July 2015 Time 12.00pm - 6.00am Location UoD's website
The First Group of Female Candidates for Admission to UoD has Been Announced! The first group of female student candidates for admission to UoD for the 2015 - 2016 CE/1436-1437 AH academic year has been released.
The Third and Final Group of Candidates for Admission to UoD The third and final group of candidates for admission to UoD for the 2015 - 2016 CE/1436-1437 AH academic year has been released.
UoD Receives Accreditation! The University of Dammam has been granted full and unconditional institutional accreditation.
E-Learning and Distance Learning Admissions Timeline Announced The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Learning announces the admissions timeline plan for the university year of 1436/1437 A.H.
The Second Group of Candidates for Admission to UoD The second group of student candidates for admission to UOD for the 2015- 2016 CE/1436-1437 AH has been released.
The First Group of Candidates for Admission to UoD has Been Announced! The first group of student candidates for admission to UOD for the 2015- 2016 CE/1436-1437 AH has been released.