On 4/25/1445 AH, the College of Sciences and Humanities, represented by the Department of General and Assisting Subjects, held an event entitled {and his weaning is in two years} [Luqman:14] in the college theater and the Activities Hall. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding to the college’s employees and the local community in Jubail, including Jubail University College, Charitable Society for Memorizing the Qur’an in Jubail Governorate, Wahaj Association, and Orphans Association in Jubail.

The audience attended the intellectual workshop “Ideal Nutrition for Infants” to learn about the benefits of breastfeeding, to learn the side effects of formula milk, the components of breast milk, and the best ways to increase production of Natural breast milk.

In addition, the event raised awareness about the locations of breastfeeding counselors and how to get guidance sessions on breastfeeding education through the corners in the activities hall, which are represented by specialized staff from Jubail General Hospital.

Language: Arabic
Audience: Public

09 November 2023
College of Sciences and Humanities, Jubail

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Published on: 09 January 2024
Last update on: 09 January 2024
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