Thinking about getting your research published but aren't sure where to start?

The Deanship of Library Affairs has you covered, come to our workshop:  

“How to Publish Your Research”


At this informative workshop explore the following topics:  Why publish?  Find and select the proper avenues for publishing.  Learn the proper way to submit a draft of your work.  Learn about the mysteries of both the review and publishing process. Find out how to convert you thesis or dissertation into a book or journal article.  Discuss engaging ways to promote you publication and learn the intricacies of the ethical and legal issues inherent to publishing.

Resource person:

Dr. Khalid Mahmood, a professor at the Deanship of Library Affairs, has a vast experience in training and supervising researchers. He is a prolific author with seven books and over 135 research papers as well as an editor, reviewer and a member of several editorial boards for many journals.

Target audience:

UoD faculty and researchers (Males only) and doctors from King Fahd University Hospital

Medium of training:


For registration and queries, please contact:

Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Head ILRC, 
Registration is open until November 10, 2014.
12 November 2014
1.00am - 4.00am
New Central Library, Room 311

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Published on: 03 November 2014
Last update on: 21 September 2015
Page views: 683