Course Description
This course introduces the main concepts of Computer Science. It includes the basics of computing: hardware, software, connectivity and users, the different types and features of computers. It presents also the data types and data representation. A simple computer system architecture is presented so to emphasize on main components, secondary storage devices, types of memory, hardware, software and people. The principal peripheral devices are also presented: input, output and storage, data preparation, factors affecting input, input devices, output devices, secondary storage devices, communication between CPU and input/output devices. Software aspects are introduced like problem-solving and programming: algorithm development, flowcharts, looping, some programming features, pseudo code, some structured programming concepts, documentation, as well as programming languages: machine language and assembly language, high-level and low-level languages, assemblers, compilers and interpreters. Finally, the course presents the computer and communication aspects, as well as different features of Operating Systems.
Course ID: CS 211
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
3 | - | - |