Course Description
Digital Systems: digital computer and digital systems, binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems, number base conversion, complements, signed and unsigned numbers, binary codes, binary storages and registers, and binary logic.
Boolean algebra and logic gates: basic definitions, axioms definitions of Boolean algebra, basic theorem and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, canonical and standard forms, logic operations, and digital logic gates.
Simplification of Boolean functions: the map methods, product of sum simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, and the tabulation method.
Combinational logic circuits: adders, subtractors, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, look-up table, function implementation using multiplexers/decoders and memories.
Sequential logic circuits: flip-flops, synchronous and asynchronous circuits, counters (types of counters),registers, memories, design of counters, design of sequential circuits, analysis of counters, and analysis of sequential circuits. Analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog converters.
Programmable logic devices (PLD): PLA, PAL and FPGA.
Course ID: CSE 210
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite | 3 | 4 | 4 | - |