Course Description
This course introduces students to basic database concepts. The course teaches students relational database terminology, as well as data modeling concepts, building Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs), and mapping ERDs. It introduces relational languages, and The Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to interact with a relational database and manipulate date within the database. Relational database systems are the main focus, but other types, including object-oriented databases, are studied. This course will also cover topics such as file organization, indexes, transactions and transaction management, concurrency control, and database recovery. Leveraging project-based learning techniques, students will create and work with projects which challenge them to design, implement, and demonstrate a database solution for a business organization using modern software tools.
Course ID: CIS 321
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite |
3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | CIS 211 |