Associate Professor
College of Engineering
Mechanical and Energy Engineering



Nasir G. Hariri, Ph.D. 

Nasir Hariri is an assistant professor and Chair of the mechanical and energy engineering department at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU). Nasir obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2018 in the mechanical engineering department at Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) University, Melbourne, USA. He holds M.S. degree in mechanical engineering with mechatronics concentration from Western New England University in 2015, Massachusetts, USA, and he holds a B.S. degree from King Abdulaziz University in Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, Jeddah, KSA. 

Nasir’s work is directly involved and specialized in the design and implementation of various control and mechatronics systems in the mechanical and renewable energy fields. Current research efforts are toward the developments of an innovative cooling methods for photovoltaics systems, where he granted several funds from the IAU-DSR. His previous research areas also include proximity maneuvers and vision-based navigation for electromagnetic formation flight, in which the work was supported in part by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). In addition, characterization as well as investigation of potential applications for Nitinol smart materials as a complex servo actuator in biomimetic for facial muscles. Dr. Hariri also participated and received several certificates and awards including 1st place winner of a Master Student Paper competition for the biomedical track in the ASME-IMECE 2015 International Conference in Houston, USA. As well as entrepreneurial-lead certificate in a highly selective Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program from National Science Foundation (NSF) in Dallas, USA, and a member in the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi. 


  • Hariri, N. G., Nayel, K. M., Alyoubi, E. K., Almadani, I. K., Osman, I. S., & Al-Qahtani, B. A. (2022). Thermal–Optical Evaluation of an Optimized Trough Solar Concentrator for an Advanced Solar-Tracking Application Using Shape Memory Alloy. Materials, 15(20), 7110. 

  • Hariri, N. G., Almadani, I. K., & Osman, I. S. (2022). A State-of-the-Art Self-Cleaning System Using Thermomechanical Effect in Shape Memory Alloy for Smart Photovoltaic Applications. Materials, 15(16), 5704. 

  • Osman, I. S., Almadani, I. K., Hariri, N. G., & Maatallah, T. S. (2022). Experimental Investigation and Comparison of the Net Energy Yield Using Control-Based Solar Tracking Systems. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2022. 

  • Almadani, I. K., Osman, I. S., & Hariri, N. G. (2022). In-Depth Assessment and Optimized Actuation Method of a Novel Solar-Driven Thermomechanical Actuator via Shape Memory Alloy. Energies, 15(10), 3807. 

  • Hariri, N. G., AlMutawa, M. A., Osman, I. S., AlMadani, I. K., Almahdi, A. M., & Ali, S. (2022). Experimental Investigation of Azimuth-and Sensor-Based Control Strategies for a PV Solar Tracking Application. Applied Sciences, 12(9), 4758. 

  • Osman, I. S., & Hariri, N. G. (2022). Thermal Investigation and Optimized Design of a Novel Solar Self-Driven Thermomechanical Actuator. Sustainability, 14(9), 5078. 

  • Hariri, N. (2022). A novel dust mitigation technology solution of a self-cleaning method for a PV module capable of harnessing reject heat using shape memory alloy. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 32, 101894. 

  • Almadani, I. K., Osman, I. S., Hariri, N. G., Saleem, M., & Hassanain, N. A. (2021). Investigating the Effects of Solar Tracking Systems on Thermal Profile of Photovoltaic Modules. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), 11(4), 1561-1569. 

  • Hariri, N., Gutierrez, H., Rakoczy, J., Howard, R. and Bertaska, I., 2020. Proximity Operations and Three Degree-of-Freedom Maneuvers Using the Smartphone Video Guidance Sensor. Robotics, 9(3), p.70. 

  • Hariri, N., Gutierrez, H., Rakoczy, J., Howard, R. and Bertaska, I., 2020. Performance Characterization of the Smartphone Video Guidance Sensor as Vision-Based Positioning System. Sensors, 20(18), p.5299. 

  • 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Mechatronics and Automation (ICEMA 2014). Dubai, UAE (Aug. 22-23, 2014). 

  • The accelerated Stress Testing and Reliability Conference (ASTR 2015). Cambridge, MA. 

  • ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2015). Houston, TX. 

  • N. Hariri, J. Riofrio, and M. Shin, "Experimental Study of Nitinol Wire Arrangements as Servo-Biomimetics for Facial Muscles," in ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2015, pp. V003T03A003-V003T03A003. 

  • Small Satellite conference 2017. Logan, Utah (August 2017). 

  • Shared a display with NASA-MSFC as part of the collaborative work in the SVGS-based motion control of RINGS. 

  • 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech-2021) 

  • N. Hariri, "A Study of a Scissor-like Lift Manipulator for the Actuation Mechanism of a Self Cleaning System Using Shape Memory Alloy," 2021 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/SpliTech52315.2021.9566349. 



[2016 – 2018] 

Enrolled as a graduate researcher working in a Vision-based Navigation for Electromagnetic Formation Flight. Part of the research was funded by NASA-MSFC in development of the SVGS-based motion control of RINGS as part of the Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) study. 

  • GPA: 3.87 out of 4.00. 

  • Total credit: 42 credits (24 coursework credits, and 18 research credits). 


[2013 – 2015] 

Enrolled as a graduate student in the major of a mechanical engineering with a concentration in mechatronics engineering. The Engineering college accredited by ABET. 

  • GPA: 3.90 out of 4.00. 

  • Total credit: 30 credits (24 coursework credits, and 6 research credits). 


[2007 – 2011] 

A certificate of a Bachelor of Science degree awarded in the major of production and mechanical system design engineering, which is accredited by ABET. 

  • GPA: 3.01 out of 4.00. 

  • Total credit: 157 credits. 



Robotics and autonomous systems 

Engineering modeling and simulation software (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, and CATIA, Matlab and Simulink., Finite element analysis; ANSYS workbench, COMSOL, ABAQUS, NX by Siemens, and SolidWorks simulations). 

Data acquisition, monitoring, and real-time systems.  

  • Visual Basic programming with DAQ devices (Measurement Systems). 

  • LabVIEW programming with microcontroller-based devices (Embedded Computing systems). 

  • Embedded computing and microcontroller programming (Arduino and C++). 

Design, fabricate, and calibrate sensors and transducers devices 

Model, simulate, control, and stabilize linear and nonlinear mechanical systems. 

Rapid prototyping and assembly skills for automated systems. 

  • Laser cutting, 3D scanning and 3D printing (VX model and Ultimaker CURA).  

  • CNC machines. 

  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designing and prototyping. 

Development of advanced smart cleaning technology products for self-cleaning solutions towards Solar industry and applications 


  • DAQ, PLC, and microcontroller-based systems. 

  • Electronic testing equipment and facilities. 

  • Modeling and FEA software. 

  • Mechanical workshop and 3D metal printing facilities. 


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Published on: 22 October 2018
Last update on: 01 February 2024
Page views: 2905