The Fellowship in Advanced Education in General Dentistry program can best be described in the following year-by-year overview:
Year 1 – The program begins with preclinical training in the basic technical aspects of Advanced General Dentistry to assess the individual knowledge of students and calibrate their technical skills to the standards of the College of Dentistry. Core and specialty courses are provided along with clinical training. The clinical care course continues into the summer semester.
Year 2 - Students will enroll in additional core and specialty courses, continue with advanced patient care in clinical courses and are introduced to advanced research through courses in research methodologies as well as biostatistics. A research project should be selected, prepared as a research protocol and submitted for approval this year. Students will be expected to begin completing some of their clinical cases and expand their engagement in core and specialty courses as well as research.
Year 3 - In the final year students will fulfill all remaining didactic core and specialty course requirements complete their clinical cases (by the end of the academic year) and submit proof of acceptance or published article from their research project in a peer-reviewed journal. In Year 3 students will enroll in special 1-hour courses, entitled Directed Study, to provide them with experience in a wide variety of areas related to dental education, teaching and research. The following is a partial list of topics from which students may select areas of interest: dental photography, presentation skills, ethics, practice management and marketing, clinic administration, competencies, electronic patient records, faculty development, electronic educational media, interdisciplinary interaction (referrals), scientific writing, strategic planning, technology in dentistry and trends in dental education.
Summer Sessions – Residents will provide ongoing patient care during the summer months given the complex nature of the treatment they will be providing. They will also provide emergency services on an as needed basis for their patients for the interval between the end of Semester II and the start of Semester I of their next year. Summer sessions also will provide additional time for research.