TabsOverviewThe Clinical Nutrition program offers the students a strong foundation in the clinical, teaching, research, and management domains through four years of full-time study. After completion of all required courses the students are required to spend one full year (12 months) training and practicing clinical nutrition while doing rotations in approved hospital wards and specialized health centers. CollegeCollege of Applied Medical SciencesCampusDammamLevelUndergraduateDegreeBScGenderFemaleYears of study5 (Includes Preparatory and Internship years)Credit hours138Additional requirementsInternshipEXPECTED OUTCOMES Student will demonstrate an understanding of the integration of basic sciences with food and nutrition. Student will amalgamate behavioral and educational principles in the planning of nutritional care for individuals and populations. Student will demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, leadership and teamwork skills. Student will communicate effectively through the development of writing, speaking, listening, brain storming and problem solving skills in both Arabic and English. Student will express proficiency in applied dietetic research. Student will demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from different sources towards appropriate conclusions and problem solving. Student will gain knowledge in the development of leadership and professionalism skills required to effectively manage financial and human resources in a variety of settings. Students will acquire knowledge about character building, healthy behaviors, morals and ethical codes related to the dietetic career. JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Assessing nutritional needs (nutritional diagnosis).2. Nutritional counseling.3. Developing nutritional plans.4. Supervising meal preparation.5. Evaluating clinical therapeutic outcomes.6. Preventing and treating illness by promoting healthy eating habits.7. Managing food service systems.8. Counseling individuals and groups on nutritional practice designed to promote and prevent diseases. POSITION Our graduate will be classified as Clinical Dietician DEGREE Bachelor of Clinical Nutrition Year descriptionFirst year The Preparatory year is completed in the Health track. Second year Students will study basic subjects in food science and nutrition areas. This includes nutritional biochemistry, basics of human nutrition, food analysis and nutrition throughout the life span. Third year In the third year students will go more in depth and take advanced courses related to clinical nutrition during which they learn how to assess the nutritional status of both healthy and sick clients and provide the proper nutritional counseling and advice. Fourth year The focus in the fourth year is on the application of the knowledge gained throughout the preceding years in a real work environment including hospitals and health centers. Fifth year (Internship year) After successfully completing the University requirements, the student will enter an extensive training course (internship) for one full year (12 months) at government and military hospitals as well as other accredited health care centers. This training program is under the supervision of both the Department of Clinical Nutrition in the College of Applied Medical Sciences as well the administration of the training destination. Study plan First year Semester one Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite ENGL 101 General English Language 4 16 - BIOL 105 Biology 1 3 4 - PHYS 106 Physics 3 4 - COMP 107 Computer Skills 3 4 - ISLM 181 Creed and Family in Islam 2 2 - Semester two Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite ENGL 102 General English Language - 2 3 10 ENGL 101 ENGL 103 English for Academic and Specific Purpose 3 6 - BIOL 108 Biology 2 3 4 - CHEM 109 Chemistry 3 4 - LRSK 104 Learning and communication Skills 2 2 - ARAB 182 Arabic Language Skills 2 2 - Second year Semester one Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite NUTR 201 Nutrition Through Lifecycle 3 3 - NUTR 202 Basics of Human Nutrition 3 3 BIOL 105 - BIO 108 - CHEM 109 NUTR 203 Principles of Food Science and Processing 3 4 BIOL 105 - BIOL 108 - CHEM 109 ANAT 204 Anatomy 2 3 BIOL 105 - BIOL 108 MICRO 205 Microbiology and Parasitology 3 4 BIOL 105 - BIOL 108 PHYL 206 Physiology 2 3 BIOL 105 - BIOL 108 HIST 281 History and Civilization of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2 2 - Semester two Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite NUTR 207 Nutritional Psychology 1 1 - NUTR 208 Dietary Requirements and Meal Planning 3 4 NUTR 202 - NUTR 203 BIOCH 209 Nutritional Biochemistry 4 5 NUTR 202 NUTR 210 Food Analysis 3 4 NUTR 203 NUTR 211 Nutritional Status Assessment 3 4 - ISLM 282 Islamic Ethics and Values 2 2 - Third year Semester one Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite NUTR 301 Nutrition Education and Counseling 3 4 - STAT 302 Biostatistics 2 2 - NUTR 303 Community Nutrition and Public Health 2 2 NUTR 207 NUTR 304 Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 4 2 NUTR 211 EPID 305 Nutritional Epidemiology 2 2 - BUS 381 Entrepreneurship 2 2 - Elective 1 2 2 - Semester two Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite ENVH 306 Food Safety and Environmental Health 2 2 NUTR 203 - MICRO 205 NUTR 307 Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 4 8 NUTR 304 NUTR 308 Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 3 5 NUTR 208 RESM 309 Research Methodology in Dietetics 2 2 STAT 302 - EPID 305 NUTR 310 Clinical Rotations in Dietetics 1 2 6 NUTR 304 NUTR 311 Nutrition Seminar 1 1 - Fourth year Semester one Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite PHARM 401 Nutritional Pharmacology 2 2 NUTR 307 NUTR 402 Pediatrics Nutrition 4 4 NUTR 202 NUTR 403 Clinical Rotations in Dietetics 2 2 2 NUTR 310 NUTR 404 Graduation Research Project 6 3 RESM 309 IMMUN 405 Nutritional Immunology 2 2 BIOCH 209 NUTR 406 Nutrition and Food Service Management 3 3 NUTR 208 Elective 2 2 2 - Semester two Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite NUTR 404 Graduation Research Project 6 3 RESM 309 NUTR 408 Clinical Rotations in Dietetics 3 2 2 NUTR 403 NUTR 409 Nutritional Genomics 2 - NUTR 304 - NUTR 307 NUTR 410 Functional Foods 2 2 NUTR 202 - NUTR 203 ETHIC 411 Ethics and Leadership in Dietetics 1 1 - NUTR 412 Fitness and Sport Nutrition 2 2 NUTR 208 - NUTR 211 ECON 413 Nutrition Economics 2 2 - Electives Course ID Course title Credit hours Contact hours Pre-requisite Elective Courses 1 PUBH 351 Evidence-based Public Health 2 - - PUBH 352 Global Health 2 - - PUBH 353 Community Health Needs Assessment 2 - - PUBH 354 School Health 2 - - PUBH355 Public Health Toxicology 2 - - NUTR 356 Innovation in Health and Nutrition 2 2 - NUTR 357 Nutrition and Woman’s Health 2 2 - NUTR 358 Geriatric Nutrition 2 2 - Elective Courses 2 NUTR 451 Nutrition Communication and Media 2 2 - NUTR 452 Entrepreneurship in Nutrition 2 2 - NUTR 453 Social Determinants of Health 2 2 -