
The Directorate for Strategic Planning was established by a decision of His Excellency the President of the IAU, No. 59893 of 3/3/1444 H, and assigned to the Office of the Vice President for Development and Community Partnership. IAU has made a remarkable development in strategic thinking, recognizing the importance of creating a roadmap for the University to achieve its strategic goals. The Directorate for Strategic Planning is intended to develop the University's overall strategy and ensure that the University's plans and actions are aligned with the KSA 2030 vision and the potential, national development goals, and aspirations of IAU's institutional identity.

The SPD also strives to raise awareness of the importance of strategic planning and to embed it culturally in academic and administrative performance through its activities and informative messages in all areas of IAU as an ongoing and continuous process. 

The Strategic Planning Division is designed to enable the University to pursue its strategic path as a leading university delivering excellence at the local, regional, and global levels, consistent with best practices in local, regional, and global strategic planning and management. The Strategic Planning Division reports to the following offices and units: 


Pioneering and excellence in strategic thinking and prospective. 


Establish and develop a comprehensive vision for the IAU, coordinate with relevant authorities to develop the strategic plan and related action plans, build effective strategic partnerships, and measure performance. 


SPD goals are: 

  1. To achieve the highest levels of construction with improving the efficiency of operations and strategic planning management.
  2. Develop the IAU's strategic plan, review and update the plan, monitor its implementation, and promote it.
  3. To enable the university community to develop and implement transformative initiatives and projects consistent with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, following a clear and controlled methodology and framework.
  4. Develop, digitize, enhance, and enable data strategies to improve national resources and capabilities.
  5. To support decisionmakers with information for the formulation and evaluation of general policies in all areas.
  6. To establish a culture of thinking and strategic planning.
Published on: 11 October 2022
Last update on: 04 September 2023
Page views: 1926