
URIC was established in 1437H as on of DQAA units that liaises to executive office for implementing the tasks below:

  1. To manage the deanship issues related to relations and media (e.g., the deanship identity, social media sites, website, follow-up and documenting of the activities, posting of the activities like training workshops and meetings to be sent to IAU Communication and Media center).
  2. To document the events whether academic or non-academic events along with editing various news and updates to be posted on social media applications. 
  3. To follow-up the logistic services of the institutional and program accreditations as well as training course which include the following: 

URIC Official Tasks


  • To put on the tasks of communication and relations in DQAA.
  • To follow-up the advertisements with IAU Identity Unit.


  • To accentuate the deanship identity, document, and post DQAA activities in the various media means for ensuring an excellent media coverage. 


  • To announce the activities on the social media.
  • To follow-up the issuance of visas, tickets, and hotels booking procedures to the related delegations of official works have understanding with DQAA.



  • To coordinate transport vehicles from the hotels to the university and vice versa along with reception protocols at the airport and tours inside the campus for the official delegations through communicating with IAU responsible bodies.


  • To keep contacting with IAU Communication Center to equip the meals of the visiting official delegations. 


  • To contact Colleges management for coordinating the related issues. 


  • To follow-up DQAA identity update, and the website too. 


  • To contact IAU Printing House for coordinating issues related to printing out the brochures, pamphlets, emblems, and certificates. 


  • To coordinate the booking of training auditoria in and out DQAA.


  • To draft the letters of hosting in coordination with IAU Communication Center. 


  • To communicate with media organizations for setting infographic and video clips.  

Contact us

DQAA URIC Official:

Sumaya Ismail Youssef
Email: siyaulhgoug@iau.edu.sa
Tel. 35565

Published on: 28 August 2024
Last update on: 29 August 2024
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