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The Conference Themes

1. Pioneering practical experiences

1.1 Inspiring architectural design experiences

  • Design solutions, including function, form, order, pattern, aesthetics etc.
  • Consideration of environmental conditions and sustainable issues.
  • Facilities management and maintenance.
  • Considerations of safety and security and user’s needs.

1.2 Mosques and the urban context

  • Strengthening social cohesion of the neighborhoods and districts.
  • Supporting health and wellbeing of Muslims and non-Muslims.
  • Strengthening neighborhood safety, and engaging the local community in planning for safety and security.
  • Supporting psychological, social, economic and spiritual needs of Muslims.

1.3 Impacts ofpioneering practical experiences

  • Trends in the design, planning and construction of the built environment.
  • The economy cycles and global economic fluctuations.
  • Future changes in the construction industry.
  • Possible future planning policies for mosques in Islamic countries and Islamic centers in other countries.

2. Applicable innovative and inspiring technical solutions

  • Advanced technology.
  • Intelligent and innovative information and communications technology (ICT); state-of-art design and construction systems.
  • Technologies and building systems including lighting, acoustics, ICT, energy saving, fire safety etc.
  • Eenvironment-friendly sustainable solutions.
  • Technical consideration of the needs of vulnerable groups of population i.e. the sick, disabled, aged, children and teenagers.

3. Lessons learnt from the past and applied into the present context

  • Pioneering architectural design solutions.   
  • The mutual relationship of mosques with the urban fabric of Islamic cities.

Conference Side Activities

  • Workshops
  • Exhibition  
  • Social activities
  • Discussion forums
  • Other activities  
Published on: 28 April 2016
Last update on: 01 December 2016
Page views: 257