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Abstracts of no more than 500 words (in Arabic or English) should be submitted as soon as possible by completing the form through the link below. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Please submit only one abstract per person. Once your abstract has been reviewed, you will be notified of the acceptance of your abstract and be given a submission date as well as instructions on how to prepare your paper. Full paper with around 6000-7000 words in Arabic with English abstract or English with Arabic abstract can also be submitted. For non-Arabic speakers, the scientific committee will translate the English abstract into Arabic. Submissions should be sent in Word Document format or Rich Text Format (RTF).

Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which, if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. One of the author(s) will be invited to present the paper and he/she will be granted a return air ticket and accommodation. The paper will be included in the published conference proceedings. It is a condition of inclusion that at least one of the authors attends the conference. 

We encourage early submission of abstracts and papers to facilitate registration and travel arrangements.

The language of the conference will be Arabic and English.

Published on: 28 April 2016
Last update on: 01 December 2016
Page views: 229