
The Mosque of Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) (i.e. Al-Masjid al-Nabawi) was built in Al-Madinah in the first year of Hijra and it is one of the oldest mosques in Islam after Quba mosque which is located outside AlMadinah. The mosque served as a place of worship, a community center for the city, and a political and financial hub wherein political decisions were made, and national wealth and charity were declared and distributed to poor and needy. Since that time, mosques have had a special place in the hearts and minds of Muslims and have played a significant role in the formation of emerging Islamic societies.

The motivation behind this conference is to promote and strengthen the role of mosques so they effectively respond to the rapid--sometimes unstable changes--in modern Islamic societies, environments and economies, and to the consequences of advancements in communication and technology systems. Thus it aims at looking for inspiring experiences and advanced intelligent solutions that would support and activate the mosque’s role so that it would continue serving as a place to worship Allah (Subhanna Wa Ta'ala), provide relief to worshipers thus enabling them to socialize and get the immediate support of the Islamic community. Moreover, the target of the conference is to facilitate dialogue between researchers and participants on how to strengthen the central role of mosques in Islamic societies and how to create unbroken physical, social and psychological linkages between mosque and the community so it would help citizens adopt sustainable, healthy and Islamic lifestyles. 


Main objectives of the conference are:

  • Identify ground-breaking practical experiences and state-of-art innovative solutions;  
  • Work out how to utilize inspiring past and present experiences concerning mosque architecture, and how to apply it in different social, economic and environmental contexts;
  • Set a road map and strategy for the creation and implementation of future innovative solutions, and develop it into applicable, sustainable and feasible solutions and patents;
  • Critically examine the role of mosques within their neighborhoods; and
  • Facilitate, encourage, and help with the development of sustainable, healthy and resilient-wise planning codes for the design, construction and use of mosques. 

Published on: 28 April 2016
Last update on: 01 December 2016
Page views: 277