This course presents a background in system analysis and design with a special emphasis on object-oriented analysis and design techniques based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Major modeling techniques of UML, including: use-case modeling, class modeling, object-interaction modeling, dynamic modeling, state and activity diagrams, subsystems developments, logical design and special designs will be discussed. Topics will include the object-oriented paradigm, UM and the unified process, the object oriented and design workflow, the workflows and phases of the unified process, pragmatic (CASE, teams, testing, management issues, planning and estimation, reuse, maintenance, User-Interface design). Students will be trained on software tools, such as: BOCS, IPSYS, ICONEX, Object Maker and Rational Rose.
Course ID: CIS 303
الساعات المعتمدة | نظري | عملي | مختبرات | محاضرة | ستوديو | ساعات الاتصال | المتطلبات السابقة | 3 | 4 | 4 | CIS 302 |