Course Description
A special emphasis will be given to building styles, and architecture as well as different Islamic patterns and motifs in this History and Theory class. Forms of mosques and other buildings in Muslim countries will be discussed along with their unique extensive elements, such as courtyards, minarets, mihrabs, iwans, sahn (courtyards), harams, muqarnas (corbel), mashrabiyas, fountains and ablutions fonts, gardens, the use arabesque, calligraphy, etc. The general and local development in Islamic architecture will be discussed in relation to the use of art and interiors. Vernacular architecture, local materials, sustainability and conservation of Islamic heritage will be covered. Artistic traditions such as textiles, miniatures and metalwork in Islamic art and architecture will also be reviewed.
Course ID: INAR-411
الساعات المعتمدة | نظري | عملي | مختبرات | محاضرة | ستوديو | ساعات الاتصال | المتطلبات السابقة |
3 | 4.50 | 4.5 | INAR-311 |