1- DEPARTMENT: Internal Medicine 


A- Reports to: Consultants (Proctors) and Program Director at thecentre.

B- Responsible for:Junior colleagues as assigned. 


They will carry out the assignments, under supervision as prescribed in Saudi Council Training Program for Internal Medicine for each level.  


Each patient admitted to the medical service will be assigned to an R1. His responsibilities include the following:  

A- Perform detailed “History & Physical”, make provisional diagnosis plus the differential diagnosis, and compile a “Problem List”. These entries, separate from Interns’, are the proof of junior resident’s involvement in patient care.

B- Write diagnostic tests and the plan of mangement in order of priority.

C- Search the computer or find out, document and follow up the results of investigations (routine or emergency), and inform the senior resident about abnormal results.

D- Discuss the findings and management plan with the senior resident.

E- Write and sign all “Physicians’ Orders”.

F- Write “Admission Summary”. This must include reason(s) for admission; clinical problems base on physical findings; priorities for diagnostic testand treatment plan and their rationale.

G- Present cases to senior residents and consultants and write (at least daily) adequate catreast daily “Progress notes”: i.e. concise, accurate, timely, informative and reflect discussions and decisions taken by the group.                                                                                                

NB: “Physicians’ Orders” are no substitute for “Progress notes”.

H- Participate on emergency call and other duties as assigned.

I- Assist in performing the required procedures, write the notes for those he has performed and get them corrected by either the Consultant-in-charge or his proctor.

J- Discuss patients’ condition and management plan with relatives, and obtain valid “Consent Form” as required.

K- Obtain consultations when required. As much as possible to present the case to the requested consultant, and enter his opinion in “Physicians’ Orders”.

M- Prepare detailed “Medical Report” for referral cases.

N- Participate actively in medical Audit as assigned.

O- Assist at Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation.

P- Write “Discharge Summary” and get it approved by the senior resident.

Q- Endorse all patients to the next junior resident on call.

R- Participate actively in the OPD and assist the senior resident or consultant in smooth conduct of OPD.

S- Participate in daily functioning of the ward so as to master basic skills including insertion I.V. line, obtaining ABGs, accompany patients to radiology for invasive procedures, etc.

T- Accompany patients by amblunse to other hospital or facilities when needed. 


A- Education / Qualifications: MBBS and satisfactory completion of one year internship.

B- Professional Experience: Registration for Saudi Council Training program in Internal Medicine.

C- Condition:This job description is subject to periodic review and can be changed at any time in consultation with the employee.




 1- DEPARTMENT: Internal Medicine 


A- Reports to: Consultants (Proctors) and Program Director at the centre. 

B- Responsible for: Junior resident and interns as assigned.  


They will carry out the assignments, under supervision as prescribed in Saudi Council Training Program for Internal Medicine for each level.  


A- Examine all patients admitted to the Unit.

B- Review junior residents’ “History & Physical”, provisional diagnosis, investigation and treatment plan and counter sign to document his approval.

C- Supervise junior residents’ patient care and invasive  procedures.

D- Check “Physicians’ Orders” written by junior residents and ensure their accuracy and implementation, and counter-sign as required.

E- Help junior residents in various clinical presentations.

F- Participate actively in discussions with the consultant(s) during ward rounds.

G- Check, correct, approve and counter sign “Discharge summaries” and “Medical Reports” written by junior residents.

H- Help to teach interns and Medical Students the principle of Internal Medicine.

I- Perform the required procedure, write the notes of procedures he has done and get them corrected by the Consultant-in-charge or his proctor.

J- Participate in Emergency duty and perform other asigned professional duties.

K- Endorse all patients to the next senior resident on call.

L- Participate actively in Medical Audit without waiting to be told, and document decisions taken by the group.

M- Become involved in Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

N- Participate in research and produce at least one paper for publication.

O- Assume clinical responsibilities of junior residents when none is on the Unit.

P- Assume professional responsibilites for R5 in addition to his own when there is no R5 in ward. 


A- Education / Qualifications: MBBS and satisfactory completion of one year internship. 

B- Professional Experience: 

i- Registration for Saudi Council Training program in Internal Medicine.

ii- Completion of Junior Residency

iii- Passing Saudi Council Part I Examination

تاريخ النشر : ٠٤ مايو ٢٠١٧
تاريخ آخر تحديث : ١١ مايو ٢٠١٧
المشاهدات : ٩٥١